Under the Town & Country Planning Act (the Act) it is incumbent upon the local authority to inform you of planning applications that may have some effect upon your property or business.  You then have the opportunity to have your say in regard to the application.  It may be that the proposals when built would block light currently entering your property, your privacy and security may be infringed, your business may suffer, the proposal may detract from the attractiveness of your property or the general area. 

Many planning applications are objected to by neighbours and businesses for one of the above or for other reasons, yet many such proposals are still approved by the local authority.  One of the reasons that objections submitted fail to influence planning decisions is that they lack what is referred to under section 70 of the Act as ‘material considerations’. 

We will handle your planning objection for you.  Applying a detailed knowledge and experience of the policies and issues that govern the determination of planning applications, we will make professional representations based on current planning policy, up to date central government planning directives and current legislation. 

In a recent case we handled for a client, a seemingly ‘clear cut’ application was submitted by a firm of planning consultants to add a second storey to a secluded rural property.  The enlargement however, would have affected the picturesque view from the window of the nearest neighbouring property (Our client).  We made representations on behalf of our client quoting the required ‘material considerations’ including current legislation, relevant local government planning policy and relevant central government guidance.  Despite the applicant’s representation by professional planning consultants, the application was refused and our client’s rights preserved following our intervention.